Lodge Meetings
Union Solomon Lodge №9 has five stated communications per year on the first Monday in the months of February, April, June, October, and December, we also regularly call emergent communications. All our events are posted to the “District 2 Calendar“:
Doors to the hall open at 18:00 for socializing prior to our festive board which occurs at 18:30. The Lodge tyles at 19:30. Seekers and visiting Freemasons are always welcome!
There is enormous planning & work in offering meals as part of our festive board. As a courtesy, please send a quick email to our secretary to let him know you are coming.

Lodge 1717
On St. John’s Day, the 24th of June 1717 four Lodges in London, which had already existed for some time, came together in the backroom of the Goose and Gridiron Tavern in St. Paul’s Churchyard to form the first Grand Lodge in the world. In honour of this sentinel event, Union Solmon Lodge №9 conducts an annual table lodge in July. If you’re a Freemason and are interested in good food, good company, and a good time please join us!
(Participants are encouraged to dress in period appropriate clothing)

Trowel Exchange
The longest fraternal visitation between two lodges of two countries in the entire World. The trowel exchange began with the brethren of Bellingham Bay Lodge №44 crossing the border to visit the brethren of King Solomon Lodge №17 (daughter lodge of Union Lodge №9) by train in 1907.
The members of both lodges have seen the Roaring 1920’s, Prohibition, The Great War (WWI), the great depression, World War II, the “Cold War of the 1940’s through 1980’s, prosperity of Post World War II, Civil strife’s of the 1960’s, the Fall of Communism and every economic and social change for well over the past 100 years.
Bellingham Bay Lodge №44 comes up to visit Union Solomon Lodge №9 the first Monday in April. In October, Union Solomon Lodge №9 travels South to visit the brethren of “Bellingham Bay Lodge №44″. This event is open to all Freemasons.